Reshaping the pathway to open employment.

We want to work with the allied health community to empower our trainees.
We believe people with disability should be fully included in the workforce. Our proven pathway is designed to break down the barriers people face in finding and keeping a mainstream job.
We know that collaborate capacity building and creating a community of practice is the best way to support our trainees in achieving their goals.
Who does Jigsaw support?
We welcome all people of working age with disability, but typically support people with disability aged 16 – 29 years old.
We are NDIS funded, and participants can draw from several categories under Core and Capacity Building, including Finding and Keeping a Job (FAKAJ) and School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES), to attend Jigsaw. Our trainees usually attend Jigsaw two or three days a week, 9 – 3 pm.

What makes Jigsaw different?
Jigsaw is a social enterprise that revolutionises the way people with disability prepare for the workforce by embedding an innovative training program, tailored to each individual’s needs and abilities, within a real business. We believe people prepare best for work through work.
Different from a Disability Employment Service (DES), our three-stage model supports trainees through:
- Jigsaw Academy – training in 20 core soft skills, alongside work experience. These skills include teamwork, punctuality and professional communication and are mapped against corporate and government entry-level roles.
- Jigsaw Digital – short term award wage employment working on client contracts for our digitisation and information management business, and
- Jigsaw Connect – support to secure and retain mainstream employment with a disability-aware, inclusive employer, when each individual is ready.
Since 2014, Jigsaw has supported more than 1200 people with disability on their pathway to mainstream employment at award wage. Of those employed or transitioned into employment by Jigsaw, 91 per cent retain their position to this day, outperforming existing disability employment models.
How we work with the allied health community.
We believe in creating a complimentary community of practice to support our trainees.
When a trainee joins our service,with their consent, we collaborate with their allied health practitioners (e.g. speech pathologist, occupational therapist, psychologist) to ensure we are working holistically to meet the person’s goals and maximising their NDIS funding.
This may include:
- Reciprocal sharing of effective strategies
- Feedback on the integration of therapy goals within context
- Referral to allied health practitioners so therapy targets can complement Jigsaw’s open employment training goals.
Would you like to work together to empower your clients? Get in touch.
If you have a client with the goal of mainstream employment and believe they would benefit from joining Jigsaw, please fill in the form below.
Our team of Jigsaw Trainers (expert support workers) and managers are trained to identify opportunities to support our trainees achieve their goals, and will refer them to our community of allied health professionals as needed.
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