The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, Minister for Social Services, visited the Jigsaw Melbourne hub on Wednesday, 13 July.
Minister Rishworth was taken on a tour of the hub by Paul Brown, CEO, and sat down to talk to a group of Jigsaw trainees about how Jigsaw is helping them achieve their mainstream employment goals.
Minister Rishworth confirmed that improving Australia’s rate of employment for people with disability is one of her main priorities. At Jigsaw, we look forward to continuing to speak with both government and business about solutions that will help address the rate of unemployment amongst people with disability in Australia.
Whilst at the hub, Minister Rishworth, Paul Brown and paid trainee Laura were all interviewed by SBS World News. The SBS news segment resulted from research commissioned by Jigsaw, highlighting attitudes towards – and barriers to – the employment of people with disability in mainstream workplaces. Watch the SBS story here.
About Jigsaw
Jigsaw is a social enterprise that provides an innovative pathway to open employment for people with disability. By embedding a comprehensive skill-based training program within our commercial document and data management business, Jigsaw enables people with disability to achieve their employment goals at their own pace. Jigsaw’s holistic approach starts from the very basics of core work skills and supports trainees all the way through to transition to open employment with ongoing support and coaching once they have transitioned.
Jigsaw is located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide, with Canberra and Perth locations coming soon.