Jigsaw Connect

Inclusive workplaces

in action.

Jigsaw is a social enterprise which trains and transitions people with disability into mainstream employment. We have a simple vision for the future: an Australia where people with disability are fully included in the workforce.


Jigsaw Connect supports organisations to access and engage job seekers with disability to build a more inclusive workforce.


Diverse workplaces are good for business, good for individuals and good for society.

Australia lags behind the rest of the developed world in disability employment – missing out on the potential $50bn that workers with disability could add to GDP by 2050. Only 48% of working-age people with disability are employed, compared with 80% in the mainstream.

Yet we know that 85% of Australian businesses report that staff shortages are holding back their ability to operate at full capacity.1

Furthermore, 50% of Australian managers have never hired or worked with a person with disability before, and 71% of these say they have faced too many barriers when trying to do so.

Clearly, Australia’s current mechanisms for disability employment are not working.

It’s time for change.

With Jigsaw, you can overcome these barriers and harness the power of a truly inclusive workforce.

Take action with us today.

Are you looking to access and engage job seeks with disability to build a diverse workforce?

Jigsaw Connect offers a step-by-step process designed to take your organisation on a journey through initial disability inclusion and confidence training to successfully hiring and retaining employees with disability. Take advantage of the full pathway or handpick elements tailored to the specific requirements of your business:

1. Discovery

Disability inclusion and confidence builder training | Staff volunteer day | Scoping potential departments and roles suitable for Jigsaw candidates with disability 

2. In-depth consulting with your business

Scoping workshops with business unit leads | Functional analysis of current and potential roles | Role carving | Presenting Jigsaw candidates | Custom-built training

3. Placing and supporting people with disability within your organisation

Induction and onboarding | Work trials (candidates learn whilst delivering business outcomes) | Flexible support options | Candidates transition to being your employees | Ongoing support (12 months +)

Jigsaw also offers standalone training courses designed to increase awareness and build confidence.

The unique benefits of Jigsaw Connect’s approach.

Trainee and Tammie Usher sitting at a desk looking at each other

All Jigsaw candidates with disability have graduated from Jigsaw’s proven ‘prepare for work, through work’ model, ensuring they have the transferable work skills, workplace experience and the confidence to be truly job-ready.

Jigsaw paid trainee Sarah is sat at a desk scanning large format plans

We provide ongoing support to both you, the employer, and your new hire, for the long-term, embedding success.

Jigsaw trainee is sitting at a desk in front of two monitors.

The work trial pathway approach enables candidates and managers/teams to get to know each other and learn together
before the person fully transitions into your organisation, resulting in a great fit.

50% of Australian managers have never hired or worked with a person with disability. Jigsaw can help.

Jigsaw Graduate Case Studies: Success in action.


Britt L., Project Assistant, Department of Premier & Cabinet

In December 2021, Jigsaw graduate Brittany L. secured a role at Connect partner, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. Thanks to her successful employment, Britt feels she can now achieve other life goals, such as saving up to go on a trip overseas. Most importantly, her confidence has soared. “I’m very proud. I never thought I would get this far,” she says. Read more.

Liam P, Cabinet Maker, Fox Wardrobes

Liam started at Fox Wardrobes one day a week and has now progressed to four. He is learning technical skills on-the-job to complement the soft skills he has gained through Jigsaw. “I am absolutely proud of what I’m achieving”, Liam says. Read more. 

Britt V., Receptionist, Acciona

Britt V. secured her first full-time job working as a receptionist at Acciona in 2021. Britt loves the variety of her role and valued the support she received from Jigsaw’s Transitions Coordinator. “I have come a long way since day one”, Britt reflects – it’s why the security and stability of this job mean the world to her. Read more.

Sarah A., ABC

Previously in an unhappy work environment where she felt unsupported, Sarah thrived at Jigsaw. Sarah completed the Jigsaw pathway and followed her passion for film and TV by securing an award wage traineeship working alongside Bus Stop Films for the ABC! “I can’t wait to show the world what I can do,” Sarah says. Read more

Connect Partner Case Studies: Success in action.


NSW Government | Premier & Cabinet

The Jigsaw Connect  team has developed a partnership with Department Premier and Cabinet to place and support Trainees with a disability into identified roles. We have successfully placed a Project Support Officer into the People, Culture and Talent team, with several more placements to occur in 2022.


Jigsaw has partnered with Allianz to increase their claims processing capacity. Having experienced challenges with offshoring, Allianz saw an opportunity during COVID lockdowns to bring the work back to Australia. Jigsaw has partnered with the Allianz Motor department providing a dedicated team managing claims workflow tasks such as: closing Motor Assessment reports, assessment of report diaries, withdrawing claims, repairer invoice payment, and (Aust Accident Management Co) AAMC supplier invoice payment process.

City of Sydney

City of Sydney first engaged with Jigsaw Connect for an event for the International Day of People with Disability in 2022.

Together, we identified suitable roles in their business, and following six month work trials they employed three Jigsaw candidates in late 2023.

Ari and Matt are Geographic Information System assistants in the Urban Analytics Team, and Frazer is an HR Assistant with People and Culture.

Disability in business makes good business:


Businesses are losing out when they leave disability inclusion off the agenda. Below are just 5 business benefits of an inclusive workforce, which can help empower your organisation:

1. Improve brand reputation: Companies that improve their inclusion of people with disability were 4 times more likely to outperform their peers in shareholder returns

2. Retain workers: Employees in inclusive workplaces have more job satisfaction and are 4 times more likely to stay longer with their employee.

3. Widen your talent pool: In Australia, over 4.4 million people have disability and 2.1 million are of working age. Of those, there is currently an untapped market of 1 million people with disability seeking employment.

4. Expand your consumer base: There are four times the number of intended customers when products and services are designed “with unique needs in mind.”

5. Engaged workplace culture: NSW Health reports that disability inclusion can improve workplace morale and enhance teamwork in organisations. 1

With Jigsaw, you can experience the benefits of creating a truly inclusive workforce.

Take action with us, today.

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Be the change. Work with us to diversify your organisation. Fill in the enquiry form below, and one of the Connect team will get in touch.

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